Fight the patriarchy. Get Rich.™ Join money expert Tori Dunlap as she guides you on how to make more, spend less, and feel financially confident in a world run by rich white men. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with resources to get, save, and grow money to gain financial freedom and kick some patriarchal ass at the same time. New episodes drop every Monday, and mini-episodes drop every other Thursday.


Title Date published
Financial Foundations #3: The Debt Debrief 2023-09-21
115. A Love Letter to "Late Bloomers" with Laura Belgray 2023-09-19
114. Recession Planning 101 2023-09-14
113. Supporting Families through Building Ethical Products with Shazi Visram 2023-09-12
Financial Foundations #2: How to Budget (Without Hating Your Life) 2023-09-07
112. Six Figure Student Loans, Prenups, and First-Gen Finances with Melissa Jean-Baptiste 2023-09-05
111. Debunking the Worst Money Advice We've Ever Heard 2023-08-31
110. Building Equitable Relationships with Eve Rodsky (Fair Play) 2023-08-29
Financial Foundations #1: Building Your Money Game Plan 2023-08-24
109. Can Feminism Exist in Capitalism? with Rebecca Walker 2023-08-22
BONUS: Preparing for Student Loan Repayments 2023-08-21
108. Your Ultimate Guide to Bank and Investing Accounts 2023-08-17
107. Is the Dream Job a Lie? with Simone Stolzoff 2023-08-15
106. Is Sex Work Feminist? with Grey Renee 2023-08-08
105. Ask Tori: Do I Need a Financial Advisor? 2023-08-03
104. The Hidden Cost of Alcohol with Kelsey Moreira 2023-08-01
103. Becoming an Uncontrollable Woman with Hannah Berner (Berning in Hell Crossover) 2023-07-25
102. How to Stand Out on LinkedIn with Hala Taha 2023-07-20
101. What Banks Don't Want You to Know with Vrinda Gupta 2023-07-18
100. The 10 Things Holding You Back from Your Financial Goals 2023-07-11

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