The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 81 - We are going to Japan! 2023-02-01
Ep. 80 - Ludwig is Starting an Esports Team 2023-01-25
Ep. 79 - This is the worst gift you can get someone. 2023-01-18
Ep. 78 - The Craziest Show on TV 2023-01-11
Ep. 77 - Aiden got kicked out of Hong Kong 2023-01-04
BEST OF THE YARD (2022) 2022-12-28
Ep. 76 - We watched Avatar 2 on Mushrooms 2022-12-21
Ep. 75 - He challenged Hasan to a fight. (ft. Mang0) 2022-12-14
We moved. 2022-12-08
Thanks for watching the podcast. 2022-11-30
Ep. 72 - Nick's Tattoo Got Infected... 2022-11-23
Ep. 71 - We tried to podcast with an Australian person… (ft. Joshman) 2022-11-16
Ep. 70 - We tried to podcast with bald people... (ft. Caleb Pitts) 2022-11-09
Ep. 69 - THE YARD HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! (2022) 2022-11-02
Ep. 68 - We broke into his house to record this... (ft. Atrioc) 2022-10-26
Ep. 67 - We tried to podcast with Minecrafters. It was horrible. (ft. Banter) 2022-10-19
Ep. 66 - We went to Twitchcon. It was a disaster. 2022-10-12
Ep. 65 - We went on a date with Anthony Padilla 2022-10-05
Ep. 64 - If We Swear The Podcast Ends 2022-09-28
Ep. 63 - The Biggest Drama in Twitch History 2022-09-21

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