Home of Sarah Connolly and Dan Wright's (sweary) "Unofficial, Unsanctioned Women's UCI Cycling Show" and the "Sarah Interviews" podcasts, full of news and events in the world of professional women's cycling, & racing from around the world. Posts with links to the things we talk about in the podcasts, including race videos, on our website www.prowomenscycling.com.


Title Date published
Episode 2 - Sand In The Mic 2016-02-05
Sarah interviews.... Wiggle High5 DS Egon van Kessel 2016-01-27
Bridie did it! Sarah interviews Bridie O'Donnell on beating the Hour Record 2016-01-24
Episode 1 - Everything Is On Fire 2016-01-21
Australian Adventures! Sarah Interviews Vale Scandolara 2016-01-02
2015 Episode 34 - Solstice - Mas 2015-12-24
Increasing everyday cycling: Sarah interviews Dr Rachel Aldred 2015-12-23
Podcast 2015, Episode 33 - Australia! 2015-12-18
Couriering and other adventures: Sarah Interviews Emily Chappell 2015-12-17
"Racing my bike and having fun" - Sarah Interviews Lauren Hall 2015-12-07
Helen Wyman, after the 2015 Overijse Druivencross 2015-12-07
Cycling and Photography - Sarah Interviews Balint Hamvas 2015-12-01
Be The Change You Want To See - Sarah Interviews Heather Bamforth 2015-11-28
Bridie O'Donnell Helps Sarah Fall In Love With The Hour 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Marijn De Vries 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Marianne Vos On Richmond 2015 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Helen Wyman 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Anne Marije Rook 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Elena Cecchini 2015-11-21
Sarah Interviews Marianne Vos 2015-11-21

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