Writer Tim Goodman (former SF Chronicle and Hollywood Reporter TV critic) talks irregularly with Jason Snell about television and other stuff. Released simultaneously worldwide to all international markets. Love to your mothers. TV Talk Machine art by the late, great Don Asmussen.


Title Date published
156: Everything Smells Like an Onion 2017-12-08
155: Parts Unnain 2017-12-01
154: Package Deal 2017-11-17
153: Gradations of Bad 2017-11-11
152: We've Columboed Ourselves 2017-11-04
151: It Has Its Own Taint 2017-10-20
150: Back Up the Truck 2017-10-13
149: Live From the Vancouver International Film Festival 2017-10-04
148: Are There More Letters? 2017-09-22
147: Kicking Their App 2017-09-16
146: It's Like Cilantro 2017-09-08
145: Weird Is Not Enough 2017-09-02
144: Summer Wedge 2017-08-23
143: Shot in the Face With Money 2017-08-11
142: They've Turned the Dinosaur Ship 2017-08-05
141: I Don't Want to Hug It Out 2017-07-29
140: We've Heard This Rant Before 2017-07-22
139: Let's Circle Around to the Negativity 2017-07-14
138: If I Wasn't Paid to Do It, I Wouldn't 2017-07-07
137: Art and Commerce 2017-07-01

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