Nontendo Podcast is a weekly Nintendo podcast, hosted by Wood from Beatemups.


Title Date published
Girlfriend REVEAL & Holiday Memories! | Nontendo Podcast #31 2022-12-16
GameFreak "FIXED" Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (lol) | Nontendo Podcast #30 2022-12-09
Imagine if we had NEVER played THESE Games... | Nontendo Podcast #29 2022-12-02
Our First Impressions of Pokémon GLITCHED and BUGGED | Nontendo Podcast #28 2022-11-25
Our BEST and WORST Games of 2022 | Nontendo Episode #27 2022-11-20
Why did everyone HATE that Nintendo Direct? | Nontendo Podcast #26 2022-11-11
HOTTEST Pokémon: Smash or Pass | Nontendo Podcast #25 2022-11-04
NONTENDO VS KIT & KRYSTA: Ex-Nintendo Employees TELL ALL & WHY Wood was FIRED| Nontendo Podcast #24 2022-10-28
How we became RICH Nintendo Youtubers | Nontendo Podcast #23 2022-10-21
Nintendo's WEIRD Mario Movie ONE WEEK LATER | Nontendo Podcast #22 2022-10-14
Cloud Gaming has FAILED & TWITCH is NEXT | Nontendo Podcast #21 2022-10-07
The NEW Host of the Nontendo Podcast is.... | Nontendo Podcast #20 2022-09-30
These Nintendo Leakers NEED to be STOPPED. | Nontendo Podcast #19 2022-09-23
The Nintendo Direct that RUINED our Lives | Nontendo Podcast #18 2022-09-16
There's a NEW Nintendo Direct INCOMING?! | Nontendo Podcast #17 2022-09-09
Dear Nintendo, we fixed your WORST Games for you | Nontendo Podcast #16 2022-09-02
Do we NEED Splatoon 3 and Should Kirby be FREE? | Nontendo Podcast #15 2022-08-26
Is Modern Gaming BETTER than Retro Gaming? | Nontendo Podcast #14 2022-08-19
We REFUSE to talk about Nintendo | Nontendo Podcast #13 2022-08-12
NEW Pokémon Presents Was GREAT but CONFUSING?! | Nontendo Podcast #12 2022-08-05

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