Danny Vega and friends read listener submissions, & pilfers from the AITA subreddit to discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at reddit.com/r/aitapod, amitheahole@gmail.com, or 307-212-8818 (voice accepted). 


Title Date published
496 AITA for telling wife she was 'so close' to getting her dream job? (Tucson Live Show) 2023-08-14
494xt AITA for saying my wife's bday dinner for me was terrible? (Call-in-show) 2023-08-11
493 AITA for laughing at my brother's tattoo? (Phoenix Live Show) 2023-08-07
491 AITA for being shamed for tipping $1 per shot? 2023-07-31
489 AITA for locking out my roommate covered in camel spit? (Vapor Daze Live Show) 2023-07-24
487xt AITA for losing it at how my neighbor praised my wife's PHD? (ft. Aya) 2023-07-21
486 AITA for telling where the ants came from? 2023-07-17
484 AITA no longer paying for sister's wedding dress bc of her joke? 2023-07-10
482 AITA for waking wife up to talk to me on a road trip? 2023-07-05
481xt (call-in show) AITA for playing a joke on a Starbie's employee? 2023-07-03
479 AITA for taking rich people to see the Titanic? 2023-06-26
477 AITA for asking girls to stop screaming at the Taylor Swift concert? 2023-06-19
476.5xt AITA for making out with my fling's friend in front of him? (ft. Right Answers Mostly) 2023-06-14
475 AITA for asking my bachelor party to fly to Vegas twice? 2023-06-12
461b AITA for minding my business? 2023-06-07
473 AITA for saying I can't rely on my fiance in a life or death sitch? 2023-06-05
471 AITA for snooping on wife's phone and seeing she said I was a loser? 2023-05-29
468 AITA for snapping at BIL after he told my kid 'be the man of the house'? 2023-05-24
466xt AITA for cutting off my ex best friend? (ft. Christie Bahna) 2023-05-22
465 AITA for not honoring dibs? 2023-05-15

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