Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, and intuitive astrologer Molly McCord for this twice- weekly show she's been offering since 2012. Molly shares intuitive astrological updates, spirituality insights, and channeled messages to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly has been studying and practicing Western Tropical astrology for over 30 years, and hopes her intuitive insights resonate with your real-world experiences.


Title Date published
Opening Up More of Your Heart Energy 2013-01-30
Bonus! 2013 Spiritual Themes 2013-01-17
Akashic Records and Past Lives with Lois Wetzel 2013-01-16
Being AWAKE at a Slumber Party 2013-01-09
FREE Meditation! A New Beginning 2012-12-22
12/12/12 Insights + What Is Consciousness? 2012-12-12
Completing Energy with Conscious Intentions 2012-12-05
The Spiritual Purpose of Celebrities 2012-11-28
Shifting Feminine Energies 2012-11-21
Completing 2012 and Moving Into Your 5D Life 2012-11-14
Being An Empath During Big Energic Changes 2012-11-07
All About Conscious Astrology 2012-10-31
Myths About Mercury Retrograde 2012-10-28
Honoring Your Soul's Authority 2012-10-24
Hello, Trust! Hello, Benevolence! 2012-10-10
You're Invited! Come to the Conscious Wisdom Festival 2012-10-05
Relationship Endings, Transitions and Successes 2012-09-26
Bonus! Fall Equinox Gratitude 2012-09-21
Past Lives, Future Lives, Present Themes 2012-09-19
The 3 Levels of Intentions 2012-09-05

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