For thirty minutes each day, Pesca challenges himself and his audience, in a responsibly provocative style, and gets beyond the rigidity and dogma. The Gist is surprising, reasonable, and willing to critique the left, the right, either party, or any idea.


Title Date published
Lobbying for Good? 2019-09-05
The Big Power of Right-Wing Radio 2019-09-03
To Greta Goes the Glory? 2019-08-29
The Mystery of Ivanka Trump 2019-08-28
They Tried to Cancel You 2019-08-27
What’s in a Face, Anyway? 2019-08-26
David Koch Was Bad. But Evil? Eh. 2019-08-24
Visiting the Migrant Families in Crisis 2019-08-23
Trump Is America 2019-08-22
When the CIA’s “Dark Side” Works 2019-08-21
Tim Ryan’s Big Plans 2019-08-20
What Happened to Sha Na Na 2019-08-17
The Leftist Takeover Edition 2019-08-15
The Problem With “White Supremacy” 2019-08-14
Are Attention Spans Shrinking? 2019-08-14
Who’s the Filibuster For? 2019-08-13
How to Rob a Bank, And Be Funny While You’re at It 2019-08-09
Politics Is a Circus 2019-08-09
Turning Out the 2020 Voter 2019-08-07
Trade War Rumblings? We’re Already In One. 2019-08-07

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