John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.


Title Date published
A Little Introduction to Covenants 2016-11-04
The Heart of Christian Hedonism — and the Bible and Creation and Everything 2016-11-02
Why Do We Celebrate the Protestant Reformation? 2016-10-31
Contrary to Roman Catholics, the Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority 2016-10-28
Is It Sinful to Watch Porn with My Spouse? 2016-10-26
Why Does God Regret and Repent in the Bible? 2016-10-24
Is It Love If I Don’t Feel It? 2016-10-21
How Is the Law Written on Every Heart? 2016-10-19
Why Did Jesus Delay So Long Before Entering Human History? 2016-10-17
Little Ears, “Big Church,” and Sensitive Sermons 2016-10-14
As a Pastor, Did You Use Church Growth Strategies? 2016-10-12
How Do We Prepare Our Children for Suffering? 2016-10-10
Fight Sin, Find Rest 2016-10-07
Does Porn Use Disqualify a Pastor? 2016-10-05
You Cannot Glorify God If You Find Him Boring 2016-10-03
How Do I Test My Interpretations of the Bible? 2016-09-30
How Can I Minister to My Classmates This Year? 2016-09-28
Is the Missionary Greater Than the Artist? 2016-09-26
Should I Confront Sin in My Non-Christian Friends? 2016-09-23
Is Christian Hedonism Only for Complementarians? 2016-09-21

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