The greatest team of podcasters ever assembled, THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK features an all-star line-up of shows such as THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST (hosted by Rob Kelly and The Irredeemable Shag), SECRET ORIGINS PODCAST (hosted by Ryan Daly), SUPER MATES PODCAST (hosted by Chris and Cindy Franklin), the LONELY HEARTS ROMANCE COMICS PODCAST (hosted by Siskoid) and many, many more! Fan the flame and ride the wave!


Title Date published
Saturday Morning Fever #11: Transformers Part 1 2024-07-13
Hyperion to a Satyr: Act 4, Scene 4 2024-07-11
On Borrowed Time: Triangle 2024-07-09
Mountain Comics 49 - Marvel Tales #133 2024-07-07
M*A*S*HCast Season 7 Promo 2024-07-06
Hyperion to a Satyr: Act 4, Scenes 1-3 2024-07-04
Batman Family Reunion #491 – Secret Origins and Assassinations! 2024-07-03
No Escape from Kurt Russell: Miracle 2024-07-02
TreasuryCast 93 - Secret Origins of Super-Villains 2024-06-30
Fade Out - Frank Tashlin 2024-06-28
Cheers Cast 7.22: The Visiting Lecher 2024-06-27
Who's Hot and Who's Not? Ep.17: Breathtaker to Brotherhood of Evil 2024-06-25
JLUCast Dead Reckoning 2024-06-24
JLI Podcast - Formerly Known as the Justice League (2003) 2024-06-23
Cheers Cast 7.21: Sisterly Love 2024-06-20
FW Team-Up: Superman and Red Tornado 2024-06-18
Once Upon A Geek - Uncanny X-Men #235-238 (1988) and X-Men 97 2024-06-16
Cheers Cast 7.20: Call Me, Irresponsible 2024-06-13
Fade In: Denzel Washington in Carbon Copy 2024-06-11
Mountain Comics 48 - Batman #329 2024-06-09

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