We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Interview 381 - Youth Advisory Board: Tracey Cullinan 2020-05-03
ANTIC Interview 380 - Atari Speed Reading: Karlyn Kamm and Brad Oltrogge 2020-04-26
ANTIC Interview 379 - Gabriel Baum, Atari Conversational French and Spanish 2020-04-17
ANTIC Episode 66 - Socially Distant 2020-04-08
ANTIC Episode 65 - Cats with umbrellas and dogs! 2020-02-20
ANTIC Interview 378 - Craig Hickman, Atari Photography Software and Security System 2020-02-01
ANTIC Episode 64 - Living in the Future 2020-01-26
ANTIC Interview 377 - James Hugard, Neanderthal Computer Things 2019-12-20
ANTIC Episode 63 - SillyVenture and FujiNet! 2019-12-15
ANTIC Interview 376 - Dennis Zander: Artworx, Hazard Run, Strip Poker 2019-11-30
ANTIC Interview 375 - Bruce May, Unreleased Magic Castle Game 2019-11-24
ANTIC Interview 374 - Wolfgang Burger, President of Atari Bit Byter User Club 2019-11-21
ANTIC Interview 373 - Bruce Irvine, Atari VP of Software 2019-11-14
ANTIC Episode 62 - Incognito and 40 Years of Atari 8-Bits 2019-11-09
ANTIC Special Episode — Atari 800 series computers: 40 years 2019-10-27
ANTIC Episode 61 - Fujiama, Ahl Collection, and Bill Lange 2019-09-25
ANTIC Interview 372 - Andrew and John Lenz: Atari Still in Use 2019-09-02
ANTIC Episode 60 - Podificating 2019-08-08
ANTIC Interview 371 - John Anderson: Rally Speedway and Arex 2019-05-23
ANTIC Episode 59 - Atari Computer Roundtable 2.0 2019-05-19

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