The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
Conversations: A Bunch of Rulers Sit Down for a Chat, Julian’s Symposium w/ Dr Jeremy Swist 2024-02-22
But He’s Such a Nice Guy! Ovid’s Ars Amatoria in Mythological Practice 2024-02-20
Conversations: When Ovid Invented Pick-up Artistry, the Ars Amatoria w/ Imogen Briscoe 2024-02-16
He Is Not All That, Pygmalion the Misogynist Mythological Incel 2024-02-13
Liv Reads Quintus Smyrnaeus: The Fall of Troy (Book 1) 2024-02-09
You Can Learn All Greek Myth Has to Offer... & the Father Still Devours His Son 2024-02-06
Conversations: Novelizing the *Best* Ancient City-State, Riddles of the Sphinx w/ Meagan Cleveland 2024-02-02
RE-AIR: Sister, Saviour, Survivor, the Gorgon Medusa 2024-01-30
Conversations: A Peek Behind the Ancient Scenes, the Culture of Theatre w/ CW Marshall 2024-01-26
RE-AIR: You Know He Basically Invented Robots?! Hephaestus & His Forge 2024-01-23
Liv Reads Hesiod: The Works and Days 2024-01-19
Digging Deeper Into Minor Gods, Exploring Greece, and Praising Dionysus (New Year Q&A Part 2) 2024-01-16
Conversations: It's Hestia's World, We're Just Living In It... Divine Might w/ Natalie Haynes 2024-01-12
Digging Deeper Into Minor Gods, Exploring Greece, and Praising Dionysus (New Year Q&A Part 1) 2024-01-09
Conversations: Giving a Voice to the Very Specifically Voiceless, Alcestis w/ Katharine Beutner 2024-01-05
RE-AIR: We Get it, Liv, You Really Like Euripides (Helen w/ CW Marshall & Alcestis w/ Ellie Mackin Roberts) 2024-01-02
RE-AIR: If We're Talking Euripidean Women, Can't Forget Alcestis 2023-12-29
RE-AIR: We Love a Complex Woman Living Through the Trojan War, Euripides' Helen 2023-12-26
Liv Reads Ovid: The Metamorphoses, Book XV 2023-12-22
Half Naked Dudes & Lots of Blood, Gladiators on Screen w/ Alexandra Sills 2023-12-19

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