Discussions from Ancient Warfare Magazine. Why did early civilisations fight? Who were their Generals? What was life like for the earliest soldiers? Ancient Warfare Magazine will try and answer these questions. Warfare minus two thousand years.


Title Date published
AWA209 - What do we know of the armies at the end of Roman Britain? 2022-07-22
AWA208 - How can we imagine ancient cavalry charges? 2022-07-15
AW207 - Hadrian's Wall 2022-07-08
AWA206 - What do we know of Philippian/Alexandrian weapons production? 2022-07-01
AWA205 - How would a Roman campaign against king Maroboduus of the Marcomanni have gone? 2022-06-24
AWA204 - National Weapons - were nations named after weapons or vice versa? 2022-06-17
AW203 - Wargaming Ancient Battles 2022-06-10
AWA202 - Oliganthropia - the decline in Spartan Manpower 2022-06-03
AWA201 - How widespread was the use of Hamippoi in 5th BC Greece? 2022-05-27
AWA200 - Do the sources tell us anything about the Spartan warrior Arimnestus? 2022-05-20
AW199 - The Rise of the Legion (part II) 2022-05-13
AWA198 - Why was the Greek phalanx so ineffective against the Romans? 2022-05-06
AWA197 - How did ancient commanders secure their logistics? 2022-04-29
AWA196 - Can we trust Homer? 2022-04-22
AWA195 - What did Epaminondas look like? 2022-04-15
AW194 - Fighting Generals 2022-04-08
AWA193 - How did Generals plan campaigns? 2022-04-01
AWA192 - What Mattered Most in Ancient Warfare – Murray’s Take 2022-03-25
AWA191 - When do ancient sources agree but you call foul? 2022-03-18
AW190 - What do you think was the most important factor in ancient warfare? 2022-03-05

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