A deep dive into the strange obscure and relentlessly entertaining portions of human history. Married couple and armchair historians, Stephanie & Andrew, discuss the often overlooked parts of humanity. Whether the subject is an obscure event that has confused historians for centuries or a historical figure that doesn't get enough credit, we have you covered. New episodes available every Monday!


Title Date published
Episode 17: The Real Life Wonder Women 2020-05-03
Episode 16: Timur's Twist 2020-04-27
Episode 15: Strike It Down! 2020-04-19
Episode 14: Presidents, Opossums & Bears...Oh My! 2020-04-13
Episode 13: What the Heck is Greek Fire? 2020-04-06
Episode 12: Unwitting Test Subjects 2020-04-06
Episode 11: Let's Stop Hating on Typhoid Mary 2020-03-23
Episode 10: Isaac Newton was Quarantined Too 2020-03-16
Episode 9: The British Connection 2020-03-09
Episode 8: The Motorcycle Queen - Bessie Stringfield 2020-02-24
Episode 7: Sinister Secret Societies 2020-02-17
Episode 6: The Weird Roots of Valentine's Day 2020-02-09
Episode 5: Two Men Who Prevented Nuclear War 2020-02-02
Episode 2: The Great Emu War 2020-01-21
Episode 3: The Dancing Plague of 1518 2020-01-21
Episode 4: The Case of Exploding Teeth 2020-01-21
Episode 1: Khutulun the Wrestler Princess 2020-01-04

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