The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 43 - Phil Hellmuth gets caught LIVE cheating in Poker 2022-05-04
Ep. 42 - Ludwig Admits to Cheating in Among Us 2022-04-27
Ep. 41 - We Met the Baldest Man in California 2022-04-20
Ep. 40 - YouTube Demonetized All Our Videos 2022-04-13
Ep. 39 - Why the CEO of YouTube wouldn’t come on our show… 2022-04-06
Ep. 38 - Why Dr. Disrespect HATES Ludwig... 2022-03-30
Ep. 37 - We were sent canned farts from Amouranth 2022-03-23
Ep 36 - Nick Gets Tattooed During the Podcast 2022-03-16
Ep. 35 - Ludwig got betrayed by Hasan and Sykkuno 2022-03-09
Ep. 34 - We Discovered A 15-Year Long Game of Yu-Gi-Oh! 2022-03-03
Ep 33 - We asked Asa Butterfield the hardest question... 2022-02-23
Ep. 32 - We got invited to an influencer rager... 2022-02-16
Ep. 31 - We took mushrooms and tried to podcast... 2022-02-09
Ep. 30 - We got banned from Twitter... 2022-02-02
Ep. 29 - Why Jschlatt has to come on this podcast 2022-01-26
Ep. 28 - Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... 2022-01-19
Ep. 27 - Why Ludwig's Mom Hates Nick 2022-01-05
Ep. 26 - How Ludwig Instantly Lost $50,000 2021-12-29
Ep. 25 - We flew 5,000 miles to interview Ludwig's mom 2021-12-22
Ep. 24 - Amouranth tells us how much she made on OnlyFans 2021-12-15

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