A fortnightly military history podcast looking at all aspect of war throughout the ages.


Title Date published
2301 The Battle of Bushy Run 2017-08-06
2210 Burma 44-45 2017-06-04
2209 The Bayonet 2017-05-21
2208 Why should we learn about Medieval Warfare? 2017-05-07
2207 Pamwe Chete! Part II - The Nyadzonya Raid 2017-04-23
2206 Bloody Antietam 2017-04-09
2205 Resistance in the Netherlands 2017-03-26
2204 War Words 2017-03-13
2203 The Battle of Borodino 2017-02-26
2202 Clausewitz and Friction 2017-02-12
2201 The Battles of Imphal and Kohima 2017-01-29
Ben-Hur 2016-12-11
2111 Financing War 2016-11-27
2110 The Battle of Hattin 2016-11-13
Wars at the edge of empires 2016-11-07
2109 12th Armoured Division - The 'Hellcats' at Herrlisheim 2016-10-30
2108 WW2_Auxilliary_Cruiser_Kormoran 2016-10-16
A Flocking Nightmare 2016-10-03
2107 The Hanseatic League 2016-10-02
2106 The Siege of Khartoum and the Death of Gordon 2016-09-18

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