Danny Vega and friends read listener submissions, & pilfers from the AITA subreddit to discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at reddit.com/r/aitapod, amitheahole@gmail.com, or 307-212-8818 (voice accepted). 


Title Date published
429 AITApod Live from Hollywood (ft Shannon & Jake, Lily Christie, and Christie Bahna) 2023-01-30
428tw xt: AITA banning my teen daughter's friend bc she made fun of my weight? (ft. Liat) 2023-01-25
427tw AITA not rehoming my snakes so dad's pregnant partner can move in? (ft. Shannon & Jake) 2023-01-23
425 AITA for blocking my friend instead of having a convo?  (ft Shannon & Jake) 2023-01-17
423xt AITA for making a joke about sexuality at my coworker's expense? (ft. Marlo the Barbarian) 2023-01-12
422 AITA for prioritizing my son's dog over my wife's pregnancy? (ft. Shannon & Jake) 2023-01-09
420 AITA for throwing a dirty diaper into a customer's car? (ft. Shannon & Danny) 2023-01-02
418xt AITA for taking groceries back that my wife gave to her sister? (ft. Samara Bradley) 2022-12-28
417 AITA not allowing sister to make her kids food during my Xmas party? (ft. Shannon & Jake) 2022-12-26
415xt AITA for kicking out an intellectually disabled woman from my party? (Call-in show) 2022-12-23
414 AITA for telling my pregnant wife the cat is still her responsibility? (ft. Shannon & Jake) 2022-12-19
412xt AITA for getting mad at mom for buying an asexual-themed gift when I’m not out?(ft. Nicci) 2022-12-16
411 AITA for telling my wife she's actually the sucky friend?(ft. Christie Bahna) 2022-12-12
409 AITA for leaving my friend's wedding right after the ceremony? (ft Shannon & Jake) 2022-12-07
408xt: AITA telling my bro his toxic ex was trying to get in touch at his wedding? (ft. Jake Davis) 2022-12-05
406xt AITA not letting trans daughter come out to family during vacation? (ft. Christian Crucifix) 2022-12-02
405 AITA not caring about a cheating neighbor after my wife spied? (ft Jake & Shannon) 2022-11-28
403xt (thanksgiving mini) AITA for telling my wife that she can stay home from Thanksgiving? (ft. Jake & Shannon) 2022-11-24
402xt: AITA for allowing my terminally ill daughter to smoke and drink? (ft. Kate) 2022-11-23
401 AITA for leaving a date at a bar? (ft. Lily Christie) 2022-11-21

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