Optimal Finance Daily, hosted by Diania Merriam, the innovative mind behind the personal finance conference EconoMe, takes you on an enlightening journey through the world of personal finance. Each episode brings to life the most compelling and practical advice from leading financial bloggers and experts. Diania’s engaging narration and insightful commentary transform complex financial concepts into relatable, actionable insights. Whether it’s budgeting, investing, debt management, or money mindfulness, she covers it all, making financial wisdom accessible to everyone. Gain not just knowledge, but also the motivation to apply it in your daily life. It's not just a source of personal finance tips; it’s a daily companion that guides you towards financial independence and savvy money management, all delivered with Diania's trademark enthusiasm and expertise. By focusing on early retirement, financial independence, and saving money, each episode provides you with the tools needed to achieve your financial goals. This podcast is designed for those passionate about personal finance, early retirement, financial independence, and saving money. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on managing your finances, saving money, and working towards early retirement. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster financial independence and secure your financial future. Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...


Title Date published
1505: Top Money Lessons from Ex-Navy SEAL Jocko Willink's Acclaimed Jocko Podcast by Francisco Maldonado of The Finance Twins 2021-04-23
1504: 5 Ways to Manage Your Summer Vacation Expenses by Kumiko of The Budget Mom 2021-04-22
1503: 7 Reasons Why Women Need Financial Planning by Dawn Starks of Simple Money Pro 2021-04-21
1502: Budgets Suck. Do This Instead by FIRECracker of Millennial Revolution on Money and Values 2021-04-20
1501: Cash Money, Baby by Rose Lounsbury on Credit Versus Cash 2021-04-19
1500: Feeling Stuck And Unmotivated When It Comes To Your Finances by Michelle Schroeder Gardner of Making Sense of Cents 2021-04-18
1499: How One Millennial Couple Saves 25000 Per Year by Jen Hayes on Paying Down Debt 2021-04-17
1498: How to Become a Millionaire Start Thinking Like One by Brian Tracy on financial independence 2021-04-16
1497: It's Time for Your QBR: Quarterly Business Review by Joel of 5AM Joel on Financial Management 2021-04-15
1496: Dealing with Money Envy: Keeping the Joneses At Bay by Sam of FinancialSamurai on Owning Your Spending Habits 2021-04-14
1495: How My Money Attitude was Keeping Me Poor by Kelley Long of FinancialFinesse 2021-04-13
1494: [Part 3] Myths and Misconceptions about Financial Independence and Early Retirement by J.D. Roth of GetRichSlowly 2021-04-12
1493: [Part 2] Myths and Misconceptions about Financial Independence and Early Retirement by J.D. Roth of GetRichSlowly 2021-04-11
1492: [Part 1] Myths and Misconceptions about Financial Independence and Early Retirement by J.D. Roth of GetRichSlowly 2021-04-10
1491: Q&A with Diania Merriam - Where Should I Keep Short-Term Savings & Financially Supporting Loved Ones 2021-04-09
1490: 5 Thoughts on Financial Freedom (My 3 Year Update) by Chris Reining on Early Retirement and Security 2021-04-08
1489: What are Your Money Milestones by ESI on Financial Strategies and Wealth 2021-04-07
1488: Financial Advice From the In-Flight Safety Handbook by Brad with BudgetsAreSexy 2021-04-06
1487: Financial Reset: Setting New Financial Goals by Andrea Joy of Saving Joyfully 2021-04-05
1486: 5 Ways to Get a Mortgage Without Private Mortgage Insurance by Jeff Rose of Good Financial Cents 2021-04-04

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