Here’s Where It Gets Interesting finds the stories of America you probably haven’t heard. Host Sharon McMahon, a longtime teacher and one of today’s most influential voices, will ignite your curiosity about the fascinating stuff that wasn’t in history textbooks. She’s joined by notable thought leaders who share insights about history, culture, and politics, and inspire us to grow into more thoughtful, well-informed citizens. An Audacy Podcast.


Title Date published
Secrets of the Civil War: The War Within a War 2023-03-29
Secrets of the Civil War: A Tale of Two Roberts 2023-03-27
Secrets of the Civil War: Survival Off the Battlefields 2023-03-24
Secrets of the Civil War: Propaganda in Tune 2023-03-22
Secrets of the Civil War: A War Won on Food 2023-03-20
Secrets of the Civil War: Intel from the Inside 2023-03-17
Secrets of the Civil War: From Camels to Confederacy 2023-03-15
Secrets of the Civil War: A Fractured America 2023-03-13
Viewing Earth from Space with Ellen Ochoa 2023-03-10
The Tragedies and Legacy of the Royal Romanovs with Helen Rappaport 2023-03-08
The Extraordinary Life of The Sergeant with Dean Calbreath 2023-03-06
Pursuing the Truth in History Education with Jasmine Holmes 2023-03-03
Everything You Want to Know About the Federal Reserve with Jeanna Smialek 2023-03-01
Edith Wilson: the Seat of Untold Power with Rebecca Boggs Roberts 2023-02-27
An Assassin in Utopia with Susan Wels 2023-02-24
I Saw Death Coming by Kidada Williams 2023-02-22
Building the Support Network for Sex Trafficking Survivors with Kat Wehunt 2023-02-20
How Women Won WWII: A New Era Unfolds 2023-02-17
How Women Won WWII: With a Flash and a Rumble 2023-02-15
How Women Won WWII: Caught by the Enemy 2023-02-13

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