Join us on the journey towards financial independence and being unconstrained. Your host, Myles Wakeham, explores the art of financial sustainability and individual sovereignty resulting in a debt free lifestyle. If you want to be challenged by a contrarian, think outside the box and go against the grain, this show is for you. Myles has spent his life doing the polar opposite of the "social mantra" in multiple countries and this has resulted in extraordinary results. Open your mind to thinking different, and getting MUCH better results for your finance, freedom and family.


Title Date published
EP085 - Don't be rich 2021-04-18
EP084 - Expense Compartmentalization 2021-04-11
EP083 - Handling transitions 2021-04-04
EP082 - My biggest failure 2021-03-28
EP081 - The Simple Life with Gary Collins 2021-03-21
EP080 - You can't afford to have a job 2021-03-14
EP079 - Trapped in the system 2021-03-07
EP078 - No more middle class for you 2021-02-28
EP077 - Financially free at 27 yrs old - Rachel Richards 2021-02-21
EP076 - Should I buy Bitcoin today? 2021-02-14
EP075 - Nomadland - A testimonial for Financial Sustainability 2021-02-07
EP074 - So you are thinking of starting a business 2021-01-31
EP072 - Legal info for Internationalization with Stewart Patton 2021-01-17
EP071 - Choosing the right path for your freedom 2021-01-10
EP070 - Leaving the dark for the light 2021-01-03
The 2020 Debrief Episode 2020-12-27
EP069 - The quest to be RICH 2020-12-20
EP068 - Why I'm bullish on (and love) Mexico 2020-12-13
EP067 - The broken college system with Eric Stoddard 2020-12-06
EP066 - The Chapwood Index 2020-11-29

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