From the team behind the Webby Award-winning Best Podcast Series It Was Said and the acclaimed podcast Hope,Through History, comes Reflections of History, a series that guides listeners through critical moments in world history. Join Pulitzer Prize winning and best-selling historian Jon Meacham as he travels back to impactful events that occurred on that date in history—the birth of a visionary filmmaker, the debut of an iconic athlete, the discovery of a lifesaving cure, a triumphant legal victory. You'll learn how that event shaped politics, art, culture, sports and science, and why it’s still relevant today. Reflections of History is an Audacy original presented in partnership with Shining City Audio.


Title Date published
August 26th: President Ford Endorses the Equal Rights Amendment 2022-08-26
August 25th: John Birch Is Killed 2022-08-25
August 24th: England Adopts the Book of Common Prayer 2022-08-24
August 23rd: Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Is Signed 2022-08-23
August 22nd: Fannie Lou Hamer Speaks Out For Civil Rights 2022-08-22
August 19th: Goldwater Begins General Election Campaign 2022-08-19
August 18th: James Meredith Graduates 2022-08-18
August 17th: Lincoln Defends the Declaration of Independence 2022-08-17
August 16th: World Reacts to Atlantic Charter 2022-08-16
August 15th: The Wizard of Oz Premieres in Hollywood 2022-08-15
August 12th: Lincoln's Proclamation of Prayer and Fasting 2022-08-12
August 11th: John Henry Cardinal Newman Dies 2022-08-11
August 10th: Reagan Apologizes For Japanese Internment 2022-08-10
August 9th: Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki 2022-08-09
August 8th: Richard Nixon Announces His Resignation 2022-08-08
August 5th: Republican National Convention Begins 2022-08-05
August 4th: Fairness Doctrine Is Repealed 2022-08-04
August 3rd: Jesse Owens Begins Olympic Streak 2022-08-03
August 2nd: Calvin Coolidge Becomes President 2022-08-02
August 1st: Slavery is Abolished in the British Empire 2022-08-01

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