The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 23 - Slime vs The World 2021-12-08
Ep. 22 - Ludwig's hardest decision ever... 2021-12-01
Ep. 21 - We made an insane merch item... 2021-11-24
Ep. 20 - Amouranth says Yes to our Idea 2021-11-17
Ep. 19 - All streamers are depressed 2021-11-10
Ep. 18 - How Many Cokes Until You Die? 2021-11-03
Ep. 17 - The Yard Halloween Special 2021-10-27
Ep. 16 - Aiden's TERRIBLE Purchase 2021-10-20
Ep. 15 - We flew 10,000 miles to film the podcast 2021-10-13
Ep. 14 - Ted Nivison Gets Revenge 2021-10-06
Ep. 13 - What really happens at Shitcamp 2021-09-29
Ep. 12 - Minecraft ends our friendship 2021-09-22
Ep. 11 - Ludwig Can't Read 2021-09-15
Ep. 9 - Slime's TERRIBLE First Impression 2021-09-01
Ep. 8 - The Stavros Episode 2021-08-25
Ep. 7 - We took edibles before this podcast 2021-08-18
Ep. 6 - Ludwig and Aiden Have A Falling Out 2021-08-11
Ep. 5 - Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube 2021-08-04
Ep. 4 - tales from the dabratory 2021-07-28

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