Learn to use the sciences of the mind to help you understand what makes you emotionally tick. Two Austin therapists and their world-recognized guest experts break down the research in modern attachment, relational neuroscience and trauma in a challenging but entertaining format to keep you off autopilot and moving towards closer connections. www.therapistuncensored.com


Title Date published
TU93: Polyvagal Theory in Action – The Practice of Body Regulation With Dr Stephen Porges 2019-04-10
TU92: Understanding Addiction and Attachment-Informed Treatment With Guests Brad Kennedy & Vanessa Kennedy 2019-03-15
TU91: Curiosity – One of the Most Powerful Tools For Connection 2019-03-01
TU90: Attachment Avoidance and the Difficulty Opening Up, with Robert T. Muller 2019-02-14
TU89: Neurofluency – with Dr. Lou Cozolino, Applied Neuroscience Made Understandable 2019-01-31
TU88: 6 Steps to Building Security & Self-Confidence You Can Do On Your Own 2019-01-24
TU 87: Treating Complex Trauma and Attachment with Guest Dr. Daniel Brown 2019-01-10
TU86: Mentalization and Regression, Responding to Listener’s Questions with Sue Marriott 2018-12-21
TU85: Attachment in the Classroom with Guest Linno Rhodes 2018-12-14
TU 84: Why Do We Over (or Under) React? The Neurobiological Underpinnings of Attachment Categories 2018-11-30
TU83: Establishing Neurological Safety through Relationships with Guest Bonnie Badenoch 2018-11-06
TU82: The Paradox of Masculinity with Guest Esther Perel 2018-10-24
TU81: How Good Boundaries Actually Bring Us Closer, with Guest Juliane Taylor Shore 2018-10-17
TU:80 Nervous Systems in the News: Dr. Blasey Ford, Sexual Trauma Stories and the Power of Patriarchy 2018-10-04
TU79: Attachment Spectrum and the Nervous System, Quick Review with Updates 2018-10-02
TU78: The Stress Response System (Attachment) Across the Lifespan – (Replay) 2018-09-26
TU77: Understanding the Mind with Guest Dr. Dan Siegel (Replay) 2018-09-11
TU76: Behind the Scenes with Ann and Sue, Reflections and a Look Ahead 2018-08-30
TU 74: Mentalizing – A Critical Component For Secure Relating With Tina Adkins (replay) 2018-08-22
TU73: Building Grit Through Self-Compassion With Dr Kristin Neff (replay) 2018-08-15

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