You Are Not So Smart is a show about psychology that celebrates science and self delusion. In each episode, we explore what we've learned so far about reasoning, biases, judgments, and decision-making.


Title Date published
146 - Tribal Psychology (rebroadcast) 2019-01-28
145 - Team Human 2019-01-14
144 - The Backfire Effect - Part Four (rebroadcast) 2018-12-31
143 - How to Talk to People About Things 2018-12-17
142 - Debate (rebroadcast) 2018-12-03
141 - Not A Scientist 2018-11-19
140 - Machine Bias (rebroadcast) 2018-11-05
139 - The Friendship Cure 2018-10-21
138 - Evil 2018-10-08
137 - Narrative Persuasion (rebroadcast) 2018-09-24
136 - Prevalence Induced Concept Change 2018-09-10
135 - Optimism Bias (rebroadcast) 2018-08-26
134 - The Elaboration Likelihood Model 2018-08-16
133 - Uncivil Agreement 2018-07-30
132 - Practice (rebroadcast) 2018-07-16
131 - The Marshmallow Replication 2018-07-02
130 - The Half LIfe of Facts (rebroadcast) 2018-06-18
129 - Desirability Bias (rebroadcast) 2018-06-04
128 - Happy Brain 2018-05-21
127 - Selfie 2018-05-07

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