Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email Learn more at


Title Date published
Law School Tuitions Are Bogus (Ep. 856) 2024-07-05
False Positives and False Negatives (Ep. 854) 2024-07-03
Don't Undersell Your Softs (Ep. 855) 2024-07-03
Online Law School (Ep. 853) 2024-07-02
Analytics Are a Distraction (Ep. 852) 2024-06-30
GPA Addendums Are Dangerous (Ep. 851) 2024-06-29
The Purpose of Taking Practice Tests (Ep. 850) 2024-06-28
Retake a 172? (Ep. 849) 2024-06-27
Score Release and LSAT Addendums (Ep. 848) 2024-06-26
From 146 to 172: Sina's LSAT Success Story (Ep. 847) 2024-06-25
Should I Take a Gap Year? (Ep. 846) 2024-06-23
Make Flexible Predictions (Ep. 845) 2024-06-22
Long-Winded Pedantry (Ep. 844) 2024-06-21
Write a Winning Personal Statement (Ep. 843) 2024-06-20
Advice for a New Student (Ep. 842) 2024-06-19
Can I Get Into Stanford Law School? (Ep. 841) 2024-06-18
Tips for Breaking 170 (Ep. 840) 2024-06-16
Apply Broadly (Ep. 839) 2024-06-15
Grade Deflation (Ep. 838) 2024-06-14
Is My GPA Too Low for the T14? (Ep. 837) 2024-06-13

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