We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Interview 338 - Jack Smyth, The Learning Company and Add-On Software 2018-05-07
ANTIC Interview 337 - Bryan Talbot, APX Cartoonist 2018-04-30
ANTIC Interview 336 - Dwight Johnson, Lake County Atari Computer Enthusiasts 2018-04-28
ANTIC Interview 335 - Colin Hume, Computer War 2018-04-25
ANTIC Interview 334 - Matthew McGinley, Elite Personal Accountant 2018-04-22
ANTIC Interview 333 - Cynde Moya, Collections Manager at Living Computers: Museum + Labs 2018-04-19
ANTIC Interview 332 - Mike Matthews, Alien Group Voice Box 2018-04-16
ANTIC Interview 331 - Winchell Chung, Avalon Hill games 2018-04-11
ANTIC Special Episode Bits and Bytes 2018-04-07
ANTIC Episode 50 - 50 and Counting! 2018-03-22
ANTIC Interview 330 - William "Ted" Farmer, Eastern Front (1941) Scenarios 2018-03-06
ANTIC Interview 329 -Douglas Wilder, Ultimate Renumber Utility 2018-03-03
ANTIC Interview 328 - Jerry Horanoff, Carina BBS Software 2018-02-15
ANTIC Episode 49 - Thomas Cherryhomes and PLATO 2018-02-10
ANTIC Interview 327 - Rawson Stovall, The Vid Kid newspaper column 2018-02-02
ANTIC Interview 326 - Chris James, Thorn EMI 2018-01-29
ANTIC Interview 325 - Hanan Samara: Jumbo Jet Pilot and Jinn Genie 2018-01-26
ANTIC Interview 324 - Geoffrey Card, kid game reviewer 2018-01-23
ANTIC Interview 323 - Orson Scott Card, Compute! Books 2018-01-18
ANTIC Interview 322 - Maurice Molyneaux, Atari animation guru 2018-01-07

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