Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.


Title Date published
No Global Mission Without God’s Mighty Spirit 2016-12-28
The True Grace of Christian Camaraderie 2016-12-16
How We Know the Bible Is True: The Beauty of Scripture as the Ground of Its Truth 2016-11-16
Sons of Freedom and Joy: How a Christian Relates to the State 2016-11-02
Put the Attorneys to Work: How to Give the Bible Functional Authority in Your Speech and Writing 2016-10-25
Teach the Nations to Do the Impossible 2016-10-16
Fifteen Dreams for the Future of Christian Hedonism 2016-10-07
Volcanic Joy 2016-10-07
The Natural Act of Reading the Bible Supernaturally 2016-09-25
The Supernatural Act of Reading the Bible 2016-09-24
The Ultimate Goal of Reading the Bible 2016-09-23
Jesus Is the Test of True Faith 2016-08-28
Jesus Christ Egomaniac? What Piper Said at Google 2016-07-29
The Inexplicable Life: Humility, Hope, and Love in Suffering 2016-06-18
Life-Risking Courage in the Cause of Love 2016-06-04
Why God Created the World 2016-06-02
Prayer: How to Do the Humanly Impossible 2016-05-25
The Heart of the Gospel: The Righteousness from God that Depends on Faith 2016-05-24
The Roots of Fearless Unity in the Gospel 2016-05-23
The Glory of Christ: Ultimate Goal, Alienating Problem, All-Transforming Answer 2016-05-22

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