<p>The CiRCE Institute Podcast Network is made up of three regular shows:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Dwell</strong> features conversations about motherhood, home education, homemaking, and more. <strong>Proverbial</strong> features author and educator Joshua Gibbs exploring proverbs from the ages. <strong>The Play’s The Thing</strong> is the ultimate resource for Shakespeare lovers hosted by actor, playwright, and educator Tim McIntosh.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Plus we produce various seasonal shows like <strong><em>The Weight of Fatherhood </em></strong>with Brian Phillips, <strong>Ask Andrew</strong> with CIRCE President Andrew Kern, and <strong>Café Scholé</strong> with Dr. Christopher Perrin.”</p><br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
What Do Feelings Have to Do with Good Reading? | FORMA 2018-09-07
Dawn Duran on Swedish Drill and the Goings-On in the Charlotte Mason World | The Mason Jar 2018-09-05
A Walk through Cindy's Plans for the School Year | The Mason Jar 2018-08-28
On the Small Liberal Arts College, with Greg Wilbur | FORMA 2018-08-23
On Grammar during Morning Time | The Mason Jar 2018-08-21
King Lear: Act 1, Scene 1 (The Play's the Thing preview)) 2018-08-20
Wendell Berry and Higher Education with Jack Baker and Jeffrey Bilbro | FORMA 2018-08-17
On Self-Assessment and Anxiety | The Mason Jar 2018-08-16
Karen Swallow Prior, author of "On Reading Well" | FORMA 2018-08-08
Moms: Learn and Grow! (Part I): A Mason Jar Collaboration with the Schole Sisters 2018-08-07
The Ongoing Feast of the Iliad | A Perpetual Feast Season 2 Finale) 2018-08-06
Why Poetry Is the Most Important Thing You Can Teach Other Than Scripture | The Mason Jar 2018-08-01
The Iliad's Final Section (A Perpetual Feast 2.7) 2018-07-31
Joshua Gibbs on "How to Be Unlucky" 2018-07-30
On Agamemnon's Inadequacy (A Perpetual Feast 2.6) 2018-07-24
Alan Noble on our distracted age and his new book "Disruptive Witness" (FORMA) 2018-07-16
On "Adequacy" (Ask Andrew) 2018-07-11
On the Evolution of Achilles' Anger (A Perpetual Feast 2.5) 2018-07-09
What are the Tools of Truth Perception? (Ask Andrew) 2018-07-03
The Structure of the Iliad (A Perpetual Feast 2.4) 2018-07-02

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