<p>Silicon Valley wants to shape our future, but why should we let it? Every Thursday, Paris Marx is joined by a new guest to critically examine the tech industry, its big promises, and the people behind them. Tech Won’t Save Us challenges the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward by showing that separating tech from politics has consequences for us all, especially the most vulnerable. It’s not your usual tech podcast.</p>


Title Date published
Who Inspired Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Space Visions? w/ Fred Scharmen 2021-12-02
Don’t Give Surveillance for Christmas w/ Chris Gilliard 2021-11-25
Net-Zero Uses Technofixes to Delay Climate Action w/ Sabrina Fernandes 2021-11-18
How Amazon is Changing the Books We Read w/ Mark McGurl 2021-11-11
Why the Metaverse Must Be Stopped w/ Brian Merchant 2021-11-04
Can Nostalgia Inspire a Better Future? w/ Grafton Tanner 2021-10-28
What Gig Work Means for Women in India w/ Noopur Raval 2021-10-21
Beating Uber at the UK Supreme Court w/ Yaseen Aslam 2021-10-19
Solidarity in Canada’s Gig Economy w/ Jennifer Scott & Brice Sopher 2021-10-14
Gig Work is Not a Novelty in Brazil w/ Rafael Grohmann 2021-10-12
The Fight for Gig Workers’ Rights in Europe w/ Ben Wray 2021-10-07
Migrant Workers in Australia’s Gig Economy w/ Tyler Riordan 2021-10-05
How Race Was Central to Prop 22 w/ Veena Dubal 2021-09-30
The Amazon Union Drive Comes to Canada w/ Sara Mojtehedzadeh 2021-09-23
What Apple Won’t Tell You About the iPhone w/ Brian Merchant 2021-09-16
The Creation of a Black Cyberculture w/ André Brock 2021-09-09
Big Tech Entrenches US Power w/ Michael Kwet 2021-09-02
Blockchain Won’t Save the Global South w/ Olivier Jutel 2021-08-26
How Neoliberalism Seized the Internet w/ Dan Greene 2021-08-19
How Smart is the Smart City? w/ Shannon Mattern 2021-08-12

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