You Are Not So Smart is a show about psychology that celebrates science and self delusion. In each episode, we explore what we've learned so far about reasoning, biases, judgments, and decision-making.


Title Date published
126 - Separate Spheres (rebroadcast) 2018-04-22
125 - Status Quo Rationalization 2018-04-09
124 - Belief Change Blindness 2018-03-26
123 - Active Information Avoidance (rebroadcast) 2018-03-11
122 - Tribal Psychology 2018-02-26
121 - Progress (rebroadcast) 2018-02-12
120 - The Backfire Effect - Part Four 2018-01-29
119 - The Unpersuadables 2018-01-15
118 - Connections (rebroadcast) 2018-01-01
117 - Idiot Brain (rebroadcast) 2017-12-18
116 - Reality (rebroadcast) 2017-12-04
115 - Machine Bias 2017-11-20
114 - Moral Arguments (rebroadcast) 2017-11-05
113 - Narrative Persuasion 2017-10-23
112 - Change My View (rebroadcast) 2017-10-08
111 - Collective Intelligence 2017-09-25
110 - Sleep Deprivation and Bias 2017-09-10
109 - The Search Effect (rebroadcast) 2017-08-27
108 - Pandora's Lab 2017-08-14
107 - Debate 2017-07-31

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