"Very Good TV Podcast" offers Indiewire's weekly examinations of the best stories, shows and trends across television — plus our heartiest recommendations of what new content you should be watching.


Title Date published
"Why Aren't People Watching 'Fargo'?": Episode 33 2015-10-26
"Spoiler Alert!": Episode 32 2015-10-19
"October TV is Spooky TV": Episode 31 2015-10-12
'The Leftovers' is Back! 'The Leftovers' is Back!": Episode 30 2015-10-05
"The Rob Lowe Power Hour!": Episode 29 2015-09-28
"Hey, the Emmys Happened!": Episode 28 2015-09-22
"Hey, It's Fall TV Time!": Episode 27 2015-09-14
"Comedies in the Golden Age": Episode 26 2015-09-07
"The Cost of a TV Crush": Episode 25 2015-08-31
"Great Shows Gone Bad": Episode 24 2015-08-24
"The Last Shows of Summer": Episode 23 2015-08-17
"Is There Too Much Good TV?": Episode 22 2015-08-10
"Should You Watch the 'True Detective' Finale?": Episode 21 2015-08-04
"TV vs. the Blockbuster": Episode 20 2015-07-27
"'BoJack' Is Back!": Episode 19 2015-07-20
"What's The Best Way to Promote Your TV Show?": Episode 17 2015-07-08
"'True Detective' and 'Sense8'!": Episode 16 2015-06-25
"Our Emmys Wishlist": Episode 15 2015-06-22
"Netflix Loves LGBT Audiences": Episode 14 2015-06-15
"'Entourage'!": Episode 13 2015-06-07

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