I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe


Title Date published
r/Entitledparents "I Have Coronavirus, So It's Time to Shop!" 2020-04-08
r/AmITheA**hole For Not Telling My Boyfriend I'm a Prostitute? 2020-04-07
r/Entitledparents How I Ruined a Karen's Disney Trip! 2020-04-06
r/Choosingbeggars WHY DOES THIS BEACH HAVE TOO MUCH SAND? 2020-04-05
r/Prorevenge PAY ME SO I DONT HAVE TO WORK! 2020-04-04
r/Iamverybadass Even Demons Are Scared of Me! 2020-04-03
r/Relationship_Advice I Got a Paternity Test On My 12-Year-Old Son And... 2020-04-02
r/Maliciouscompliance Paul Blart VS Clever Lawyer 2020-04-01
r/Choosingbeggars My Boyfriend MUST Pay Me $400,000 2020-03-31
r/Prorevenge Devious Teacher Tricks Spoiled Students into Failing! 2020-03-30
r/AmITheA**hole For Kicking an Entitled Mom Out of My House? 430 up 3/24 2020-03-29
r/Maliciouscompliance Racist Lady Freaks Out Over Interracial Couple 2020-03-28
r/Insaneparents I Just Don't Care About My Child 2020-03-27
r/Choosingbeggars Seeking Wife, DO AS I ASK, WHEN I ASK! 2020-03-26
r/Pettyrevenge A Karen Hoarded All The Toilet Paper, So I Got Revenge! 2020-03-25
r/Entitledparents She Tries to Drown a Kid in a Swimming Pool! 2020-03-24
r/Choosingbeggars Seeking New iPhone, New TV... YOU Must Pay! 2020-03-23
r/Prorevenge How I Tricked a Bully into Failing His Classes! 2020-03-22
r/Entitledparents BEHOLD MEGA-KAREN! DESTROYER OF MANAGERS! 2020-03-21
r/Relationships I Got a Paternity Test on My 4 Kids and... 2020-03-20

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