Discussions from Ancient Warfare Magazine. Why did early civilisations fight? Who were their Generals? What was life like for the earliest soldiers? Ancient Warfare Magazine will try and answer these questions. Warfare minus two thousand years.


Title Date published
Archers In The Ancient World 2017-05-15
Barbarians Rising and the difficulties of documentaries 2017-04-09
The Year of the Four Emperors 2017-03-20
Gladiator 2017-02-14
The Empires of Persia at War 2017-01-16
Ben-Hur 2016-12-11
Wars at the edge of empires 2016-11-07
Rome vs Poisonous Pontus 2016-09-05
Wars in Hellenistic Egypt 2016-07-17
The Archidamian War 2016-06-17
The Aftermath of Battle 2016-05-13
Warriors of the Hellenistic Age 2016-03-29
The First Punic War 2016-02-12
The Hittites and their Successors 2015-12-20
The ascendancy of Thebes 2015-11-13
The end of empire: the fall of Rome 2015-10-02
The Roman Conquest of Greece 2015-07-31
The Jewish-Roman wars 2015-06-12
The Seleucid Empire at War 2015-05-08
Swift as the wind across the plains: Horsemen of the Steppes 2015-03-20

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