Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.


Title Date published
327: Better Late Than Wrong 2019-05-23
326: Blow Your Redo Stack 2019-05-16
325: Relive Your Calculator-Watch Dreams 2019-05-09
324: Automatic Kicking Machine 2019-05-03
323: A Slightly Smaller Thumb 2019-04-25
322: Morale-Sucking Maple Syrup Fires 2019-04-18
321: Dumbed Down, Locked Down, and Locked Out 2019-04-12
320: Here Comes the Big But 2019-04-04
319: We Should Probably Get to the Apple Event 2019-03-28
318: Not a Casino I Want to Play In 2019-03-21
317: We’re Customers Too 2019-03-16
316: MacBook Hierarchy of Needs 2019-03-06
315: 1.0 Was Just Speed 2019-02-28
314: Kernel Panic in the Night 2019-02-21
313: The Residue of Seven People 2019-02-12
312: Fashion Phase 2019-02-07
311: Mutually Assured Destruction 2019-01-31
310: Apple Playstore 2019-01-24
309: Do Not Expect Five Nines From My Plex 2019-01-18
308: Left-Handed Streaming Service 2019-01-10

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