This is CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics, formerly CQ on Congress, which has all of the audio content from the CQ Roll Call newsroom.


Title Date published
Election special: Financial policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Immigration and border security issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Budget policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Lobbying issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Transportation policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Health policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Foreign policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Spending policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Defense policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Tax policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Election special: Tech policy issues for the next administration 2020-10-26
Congress: Surprising data on how senators voted with Trump's policies 2020-10-23
Tech: Election security claims made by John Ratcliffe head of National Intelligence called into question 2020-10-22
Equal Time: “Republicans often racialize poverty. Democrats often run from poverty.” 2020-10-22
Tech: Google sued by DOJ and 11 states in landmark case 2020-10-20
Health: COVID-19 vaccine research may not be diverse in age or race 2020-10-20
Transportation: Did the White House intervene in the cruise lines' ability to stay afloat? 2020-10-20
Fintech Beat: How Mpesa has transformed the world 2020-10-20
Budget deep dive: Pre-election deadline looms for coronavirus aid deal 2020-10-20
Census: The case to exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted 2020-10-19

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