This is a podcast that's nominally about bad games. In reality, it's about the horror of daily life, GameFAQs Gold, strange combatants in the battle of Good vs. Evil, and a singular patriarch known only as Crick. Every Monday, Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross choose a game at random from the titles submitted by listeners, play it, and venture off on a freeform discussion that winds between the topic at hand, and the absurd.


Title Date published
Episode 202: Spawn: The Eternal 2017-07-17
Episode 201: Dynowarz: Destruction of Spondylus 2017-07-10
Episode 200: Return to the R-Zone Zone 2017-07-03
Episode 199: Dirty Harry 2017-06-26
Episode 198: Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time 2017-06-19
Episode 197: Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings 2017-06-12
Episode 196: Zombitatos the end of the Pc master race 2017-06-05
Episode 195: Mighty Bomb Jack 2017-05-29
Episode 194: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers 2017-05-22
Episode 193: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 2017-05-15
Episode 192: Ghostbusters II 2017-05-08
Episode 191: Infernal: Hell's Vengeance 2017-05-01
Episode 190: Rocket: Robot on Wheels 2017-04-24
Episode 189: Make My Video 2017-04-17
Episode 188: Smart Ball 2017-04-10
Episode 187: Aussie Rules Footy 2017-04-03
Episode 186: Family Dog 2017-03-26
Episode 185: Engineering Jones and the Time Thieves of DSPea! 2017-03-20
Episode 184: Quattro Adventure 2017-03-13
Episode 183: Wall Street Kid 2017-03-06

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