Comedian Doug Benson (Super High Me, Last Comic Standing) invites his friends to sit down and discuss his first love: movies!


Title Date published
Yourgo Artsitas, Mark Ellis and Leonard Maltin guest 2024-07-26
Brittany Brave, Samm Levine and Rocky Roberts guest 2024-07-22
Martha Kelly, Samm Levine and Gareth Reynolds guest 2024-07-15
Chris Duffy, Samm Levine and Geoff Tate guest 2024-07-08
Samm Levine, Mary Santora and Kurt Zeigler guest 2024-07-01
Randy Baumann, Billy Wayne Davis and Geoff Tate guest 2024-06-28
Randy Baumann, Greg Fitzsimmons and Chris Porter guest 2024-06-24
Doogie Horner, Rob Maher and Kurt Zeigler guest 2024-06-17
Jessie Johnson, Willie Simon and Kate Willett guest 2024-06-10
Doogie Horner, Carina Magyar and Grant Rosenmeyer guest 2024-06-03
Greg Behrendt, Mary Santora and Troy Tate guest 2024-05-31
Sean Jordan, Samm Levine and Andy Wood guest 2024-05-27
Samantha Ruddy and Kate Willett guest 2024-05-20
Chad Daniels, Geoff Tate and Troy Tate guest 2024-05-13
Colt Cabana, Reena Calm and Carina Magyar guest 2024-05-06
Kevin Kraft, Blair Socci and Kate Willett guest 2024-04-29
Sean Jordan, Samm Levine and Kenice Mobley guest 2024-04-26
Doug Bass, Kevin Kraft and Jessica Michelle Singleton guest 2024-04-22
Nikki Bon, Samm Levine and Ryan Niemiller guest 2024-04-15
Gabe Mollica, Jim O’Heir and Ryan Niemiller guest 2024-04-08

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