Join us as Penn Jillette, Michael Goudeau, Matt Donnelly, and YOU discuss the news of the week. We'll examine religious news, talk about monkeys, and anything else that seems funny or makes us mad. We'll also take your suggestions for things you feel like talking about. We run a live video stream from Show Creators Studios for people with the time and inclination to watch people sitting and talking. The live show starts Sundays at noon Vegas time, at, & is usually available for download from your favorite podcast aggregator by 9 am Monday morning.


Title Date published
Germans Hate Traffic Cones 2018-04-29
Penn Is Not James Bond 2018-04-25
David Byrne Ripped Off Penn Jillette! 2018-04-22
Tony & Max Fitzpatrick (part II) 2018-04-18
Tony & Max Fitzpatrick (part I) 2018-04-15
The Dog Whiner 2018-04-11
Mike Jones: The Show Before The Show 2018-04-08
Penn Doesn't Vomit At The Green Mill 2018-04-04
Conjecture Farm 2018-04-01
David Wain (part II) 2018-03-28
David Wain (part I) 2018-03-25
We Spinning Dick, Swinging Play 2018-03-21
Annette Has Soft Mouth 2018-03-18
David Kwong (part II) 2018-03-14
David Kwong (part I) 2018-03-11
Windshield Confessional 2018-03-07
An Easy Rider 2018-03-04
McDracula's 2018-02-28
I Can't Lift My Arms 2018-02-25
Penn is in Cirque du Soleil's Otter Bar. 2018-02-21

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