HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.


Title Date published
The Desperate Knicks, UFC 276, Plus Kyrie’s Failed Lakers Play with Van Lathan, Big Wos, Ariel Helwani and Alan Yang 2022-06-29
The Beal Dilemma, KD Trade Speed Round, and Free Agency Questions With Ryen Russillo 2022-06-27
NBA Draftapalooza Part 4: Winners & Losers With Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo 2022-06-24
NBA Draftapalooza Part 3: OKC Gets Frisky + the Sneaky Knicks With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti 2022-06-24
NBA Draftapalooza Part 2: Picks 1-6, Paolo to Orlando, and the Kings Surprise Everyone, With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor, and Steve Ceruti 2022-06-24
NBA Draftapalooza Part 1: Kyrie Drama, Fake KD Trades, and Last-Minute Pre-Draft Thoughts With Ryen Russillo, Kevin O’Connor and Chris Ryan 2022-06-23
Part 2: 10 Burning NBA Questions (Plus Kyrie) With Chris Ryan, Joe House, Rob Mahoney, J. Kyle Mann, Seerat Sohi, and Van Lathan 2022-06-22
Part 1: 10 Burning NBA Questions With Kevin Clark, Kevin O’Connor, Raheem Palmer, John Jastremski, and Wosny Lambre 2022-06-22
Curry vs. Everybody, Boston’s Next Move, NBA Dynasty Tiers, and Draft Buzz With Ryen Russillo 2022-06-20
An Impressive Warriors Title, Curry’s Pantheon Jump, and Tatum’s Finals Swoon With Joe House 2022-06-17
The 1,000th BS Episode With Joe House, Bill Hader, Bryan Curtis, and Nora Princiotti 2022-06-15
Did the Celtics Just Blow the Title? | With Kevin Hench 2022-06-14
Tatum Theories, Finals Unicorns, NBA Draft Buzz, and Worst GM Jobs With Ryen Russillo 2022-06-13
Steph’s Apex Mountain Leaves Boston Reeling With Rob Mahoney and Wosny Lambre 2022-06-11
Boston Gets Revenge, Draymond Chants, and Utah Trades With Kevin O’Connor. Plus, a ‘Stranger Things’ Review From Zoe Simmons. 2022-06-09
The Warriors Strike Back, Kyrie Destinations, and Sacramento on the Clock With Ryen Russillo 2022-06-06
A Huge Celts Comeback with Haralabos Voulgaris, Plus Adam Sandler on 30 Years of Comedies and Making ‘Hustle’ 2022-06-03
NBA Finals Angles With David Jacoby and Kevin Wildes. Plus, Jon Bernthal’s Return to the Pod. 2022-06-01
Boston’s Heart Attack Trip to the Finals With Ryen Russillo 2022-05-30
Super-Jimmy Thwarts Boston’s Finals Plans, with Kevin O’Connor and Ryen Russillo 2022-05-28

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