The greatest team of podcasters ever assembled, THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK features an all-star line-up of shows such as THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST (hosted by Rob Kelly and The Irredeemable Shag), SECRET ORIGINS PODCAST (hosted by Ryan Daly), SUPER MATES PODCAST (hosted by Chris and Cindy Franklin), the LONELY HEARTS ROMANCE COMICS PODCAST (hosted by Siskoid) and many, many more! Fan the flame and ride the wave!


Title Date published
Cheers Cast 6.23: Bar Wars 2023-10-12
Siskoid Cinema Podcast Preview! 2023-10-10
Super Mates 107: House of Franklin-Stein Part 3 2023-10-09
Who's Who Review #1 2023-10-08
Cheers Cast 6.22: Slumber Party Massacred 2023-10-05
Batman Family Reunion #482 – A Gorilla, a Demon, and a Mite! 2023-10-04
Who's Editing #25: Our Worlds at War 2023-10-03
Mountain Comics 45 - Superman Family #192 2023-10-01
Fade Out - Gordon Douglas 2023-09-29
Cheers Cast 6.21: Our Hourly Bread 2023-09-28
Who's Hot and Who's Not? Ep.13: Black Lightning to Black Racer 2023-09-26
Super Mates 106: House of Franklin-Stein Part 2 2023-09-25
For All Mankind 46 2023-09-24
Cheers Cast 6.20: The Sam in the Gray Flannel Suit 2023-09-21
TreasuryCast #84 - The Sensational Spider-Man 2023-09-20
FW Team-Up: The Thing and Nova 2023-09-19
JLI Podcast #57 - BREAKDOWNS: Justice League America #57 & Justice League Europe #33 2023-09-17
FW Presents The Maze Agency! 2023-09-15
Cheers Cast 6.19: Airport V 2023-09-14
M*A*S*HCast - Mail Call 6 2023-09-13

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