A triathlete's view on training, racing, and living the multisport life. Listen in for insider tips, methods, dealing with family, injury, traveling, and racing. Tune in, turn on, and work out.


Title Date published
ZenTri 526 - IMTX 2013 2013-05-27
ZenTri 525 - Jordan Rapp 2013-05-18
ZenTri 524 - Interview Bonanza 2013-05-10
ZenTri 523 - 5K Open Water Swim 2013-04-22
ZenTri 522 - Ironman Texas 70.3 2013-04-13
ZenTri 521 - Timing It Right 2013-04-05
ZenTri 520 - The Skinny 2013-03-28
ZenTri 519 - Getting Real 2013-03-21
ZenTri 518 - Going Big 2013-03-15
ZenTri 517 - Strong Like Tempo 2013-03-09
ZenTri 516 - Behind the Wheel 2013-03-01
ZenTri 515 - How to Train 2013-02-19
ZenTri 514 - Rocky Raccoon 50 and 100 mile endurance run and interview with Suunto lead engineer 2013-02-15
ZenTri 513 - Arshad Bahl and Lance 2013-01-25
ZenTri 512 - Ultra Runner William Sichel 2013-01-18
ZenTri 511 - Starting 2013 2013-01-10
ZenTri 510 - Electric Zen 2012-12-26
ZenTri 509 - T to the Max 2012-12-19
ZenTri 508 - BCS Marathon 2012-12-12
ZenTri 507 - Texas Trails Endurance 50 Miler 2012-12-05

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