Pastor Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor. He’s grateful to be a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody. This channel features audio content from Mark Driscoll, including sermons and event teaching. Mark preaches about Jesus with a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and compassion for those who are hurting the most. For more great teaching resources visit


Title Date published
Romans #31 - Church Family: Supernatural Liberty 2021-07-04
Romans #30 - Church Family: Supernatural Unity 2021-06-27
God the Father and God the Son 2021-06-21
Total Forgiveness - R.T. Kendall 2021-06-13
Romans #29 - Rebels with A Cause: Stop Your Selfishness? 2021-06-06
Romans #28 - Rebels with A Cause: Obey the Government? 2021-05-31
Romans #27 - Rebels with A Cause: Trade Good for Evil? 2021-05-23
Romans #26 - Rebels with A Cause: Die to Yourself? 2021-05-16
Motherhood Lessons From Mary 2021-05-10
Romans #25 - Vintage Faith: The Future Remnant 2021-05-02
Romans #24 - Vintage Faith: The Present Remnant 2021-04-26
Romans #23 - Vintage Faith: The Past Remnant 2021-04-18
Romans #22 - Predestination Problems: Uncaring? 2021-04-11
Christ Died for Our Sins 2021-04-05
21 Reasons to Believe in Jesus' Resurrection - Easter 2021 2021-04-05
Romans #21 - Predestination Problems: Unloving? 2021-03-28
Romans #20 - Predestination Problems: Unfair? 2021-03-22
Romans #19 - Predestination Problems: Unbiblical? 2021-03-15
Romans #18 - Life in the Spirit: New Fortitude 2021-03-07
Romans #17 - Life in the Spirit: New Future 2021-03-01

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