Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1499 Everyone Knew The Lie Was A Lie (January 6th Insurrection Hearings) 2022-06-25
#1498 Pride and Prejudice 2022-06-22
#1497 A Healthier Humanity Through a Wellness Economy 2022-06-17
#1496 Home Is Where The Hardship Is (Housing Crisis) 2022-06-15
#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America 2022-06-11
#1494 Progressives and the Primaries 2022-06-08
Bonus Sample #251 Tales of Panic 2022-06-07
#1493 Marketing, Messaging and Mass Shootings 2022-06-04
#1492 The Great Replacements (Conspiracy vs Reality) 2022-06-01
#1491 Mismanaging Capitalism Can Lead to Fascism (Inflation and the Working Class) 2022-05-27
Bonus Sample: #250 Tell Me A Story 2022-05-25
#1416 The Disneyfication of Our Past, Present and Future (Repost) 2022-05-21
#1411 Our Democracy is Filibusted, Time to Kill the Filibuster (Repost) 2022-05-17
#1490 What To Do As We Enter A Post-Roe World 2022-05-14
#1489 Journalism, Social Media and the Billionaire Business Model 2022-05-10
#1488 Seeking Approval from the GOP Fringe is Making Them Mainstream 2022-05-07
#1487 Oceans Rise, Empires Fall (The Coming New World Order) 2022-05-04
#1486 Unionizing is a Labor of Love 2022-04-29
Will Be Wild, a Deep Dive into January 6th 2022-04-26
#1485 The Politics We Have, The Politics We Need (Socializing the Oil Industry) 2022-04-23

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