Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1346 Pandemic Economics and the Reverse Robin Hood Bailout 2020-04-04
Bonus Edition #200 Mental Taxation 2020-04-01
#1280 Modern Monetary Theory: We already use it, now we need to understand it (Repost) 2020-04-01
#1345 All the Best COVID-19 Coping Mechanisms in One Place 2020-03-26
#1344 Everything is Political (Social Safety Net in a Time of Pandemic) 2020-03-20
Bonus Edition #198 No Time for Individualism (Dealing with Coronavirus) 2020-03-14
#1343 Bread and Roses (Socialism is Freedom and Firefighters) 2020-03-11
#1342 What Coronavirus Reveals About the Structures of Our World 2020-03-07
#1341 Bernie and the Billionaires (Democratic Primary Election) 2020-03-03
#1340 The Border Between Socialism and Barbarism (Immigration and Empire) 2020-02-28

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