Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
Bonus Sample #280 Tracking people and animals in order to save them and ourselves 2023-11-17
#1593 Beyond Neoliberalism: Dreaming a new economic system into being 2023-11-15
#1592 Israel and Palestine are less complicated than you think: Standing for international law while condemning crimes against humanity, war crimes, antisemitism, and apartheid. 2023-11-11
#1591 Broken News: Understanding traditional media and social media reporting on the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza 2023-11-06
#TBT #1510 Avoiding Accountability: How the powerful in the US have almost always been allowed to skate by (Throwback) 2023-11-01
#TBT #1507 Installing Loyalists: The Multi-Pronged Destruction of Our Democracy Already in Progress (Throwback) 2023-10-27
#1590 Red Caesar and Project 2025: A fascist fever dream being given a vaguely respectable coat of paint by the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation paving the way for an unconstrained, lawless, authoritarian Republican president 2023-10-24
Bonus Sample #279 Complainers gonna complain, creepers gonna creep 2023-10-21
#1589 War in the Holy Land: Context Behind the Atrocities, Crimes Against Humanity, and the Possible Escalation That Will be Detrimental to All Sides in the Wake of the Hamas Attack Israel is Calling Their "9-11" 2023-10-17
#1588 The Shutdown That Wasn't And The Chaos That Is: The far-right of the GOP has been intent on not governing for a long time and eating their own, like McCarthy most recently, is their go-to maneuver. 2023-10-13
#TBT #1545 Agents of Chaos: The New Congress (Throwback) 2023-10-10
#1587 What Conservatives Think of When They Think of the Children: Child Labor, Child Brides, Child Mothers, Childhood Poverty, Child Indoctrination 2023-10-07
#1586 Cop City is the Backlash to the Backlash Against Police Brutality and Murder, the Atlanta Community is Fighting Back and Creating a Blueprint for Change in the Process 2023-10-04
Bonus Edition #278 Obfuscating Reality Through Layers of Fantasy 2023-09-29
#1585 Workers Rights Ascendent Amid Writers and Actors Strikes in Hollywood and the UAW Strikes Against the Big 3 US Automakers all While the Sociopathic Reality of Capitalism is Laid Bare by CEOs Explain How Exploiting Workers is Intrinsic to the System 2023-09-26
#1584 Israel's Political Upheaval, Supreme Court Power Struggle, US Support, and the Normalization of Apartheid 2023-09-24
#TBT #1360 Redefine, Unburden and #DefundThePolice: With Copy City renewing debate over policing, we look back at the counterargument (Throwback) 2023-09-22
#1583 Alluring Conspiracy Culture vs Capitalism: The Driving Forces that are Attracting People into Conspiratorial Thinking About Trump, COVID, Economics, Military Affairs and More. 2023-09-18
#TBT ​#1190 Island Recovering From Disaster: Hurricane Maria laid bare the colonialism and capitalism in Puerto Rico (Throwback) 2023-09-16
#1582 Maui Fire Sale: Hawaiian Colonization, Disaster Capitalism, and the Climate Crisis Fueling Wildfires and Housing Insecurity in Native Hawaiian Communities on Maui and Beyond 2023-09-13

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