Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!


Title Date published
#1534 Every Move You Make (Facial Recognition, TikTok, and Surveillance Capitalism 2.0) 2023-01-03
Bonus Sample #261 Join the Indoctri-Nation! 2022-12-31
#1451 The Foxification of American Media (Fox News 25th Anniversary) (Repost) 2022-12-27
#1533 How Theocracies Begin and End (Rise of the Far-Right + Demanding Women's Rights in Iran) 2022-12-24
The Last Resort (The Story of Cal-Exit) 2022-12-22
Bonus Sample #260 Don't Call Me Out My Name 2022-12-20
#1532 Accelerationism is the Brick on the Gas Pedal of the Runaway Car of Society 2022-12-17
#1531 The Labor Movement is a Hot Mess and Democrats Are Not Much Help 2022-12-13
#1454 The Problem with Facebook is Facebook (Repost) 2022-12-11
#1530 The Pillars of Polarization and Persuasion 2022-12-07
#1529 Monopolies Run By Morons 2022-12-04
Bonus Sample #259 Political Movements 2022-12-02
#1528 The Ugly Underbelly of The Beautiful Game (Qatar World Cup) 2022-12-01
#1230 Thanksgiving and cultural heritage (Repost) 2022-11-26
#1527 Making Antisemitism Great Again with Ye, Kyrie Irving and Dave Chapelle 2022-11-23
#1265 Moving beyond tragedy by surviving and adapting (Repost) 2022-11-20
#1526 A History of Political Violence in the US 2022-11-16
#1525 Don't Panic: Irrational Fear and Panic in the US 2022-11-13
#1524 An Historic, World-Shaping Election, Of Sorts (China, Xi Jinping) 2022-11-09
Bonus Sample #258 Chatbots and Catbots 2022-11-04

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