The award-winning podcast (also a TV show & book series) about dark historical tales. Each episode explores the mysterious creatures, tragic events, and unusual places that fill the pages of history. Because sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction.


Title Date published
Lore 267: Curveball 2024-11-18
Legends 40: Skin & Bones 2024-11-11
Deeper Lore: 266 (84, 116, & 172) 2024-11-07
Lore 266: What's in the Box 2024-11-04
Legends 39: Have Love Will Travel 2024-10-28
Deeper Lore: 265 (82, 131, & Legends 11) 2024-10-24
Lore 265: Friend or Faux 2024-10-21
Legends 38: Fife & Drum 2024-10-14
Deeper Lore: 264 (149, 209, & 89) 2024-10-10
Episode 264: Engine Trouble 2024-10-07
Legends 37: An Apple a Day 2024-09-30
Deeper Lore: 263 (61, 78, & 215) 2024-09-26
Lore 263: Elementary 2024-09-23
Legends 36: Strike it Rich 2024-09-16
Deeper Lore: 262 (51, 68, & 117) 2024-09-12
Lore 262: Broken Lines 2024-09-09
Legends 35: A Clean Death 2024-09-02
Deeper Lore: 261 (17, 82, & 29) 2024-08-29
Lore 261: Attraction 2024-08-26
Legends 34: All American 2024-08-19

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