Ever wondered where the Universe came from? Or more importantly, where it's headed? Voiced by David Mitchell, this series of 60 second animations examines different scientific concepts from the big bang to relativity, from black holes to dark matter. The series also explores the possibility of life beyond Earth and considers why David Bowie is still none the wiser about life on Mars.


Title Date published
The Big Bang 2012-12-20
Supernovae 2012-12-20
Exoplanets 2012-12-20
A Day on Mercury 2012-12-20
The Rotating Moon 2012-12-20
Life on Mars 2012-12-20
Event Horizons 2012-12-20
Dark Matter 2012-12-19
Special Relativity 2012-12-19
Large Hadron Collider 2012-12-19
Dark Energy 2012-02-08
Black Holes 2012-01-08
Taking a Galactic Census 2012-01-08
Gaia and the Killer Asteroids 2012-01-08

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