Point of Inquiry is the Center for Inquiry's flagship podcast, where the brightest minds of our time sound off on all the things you're not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: science, religion, and politics. Guests have included Brian Greene, Susan Jacoby, Richard Dawkins, Ann Druyan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugenie Scott, Adam Savage, Bill Nye, and Francis Collins. Point of Inquiry is produced at the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, N.Y.


Title Date published
Laurel Braitman on Animals and Mental Illness 2014-08-04
David Ropeik: Airplane Disasters and the Psychology of Risk 2014-07-29
Jason Horowitz: Protecting the Whales from the U.S. Navy 2014-07-21
Austin Dacey - The U.N. and Defamation of Religions 2014-07-14
The Gospel According to Hobby Lobby--With Brian Leiter 2014-07-07
Montel Williams: Leading a Surge on the Veterans Administration 2014-07-02
Marlene Zuk: The Paleo Delusion 2014-06-23
Howard Fineman on Eric Cantor's Defeat and the Battle for the Soul of the GOP 2014-06-16
Janet Mock, Redefining Realness, Biology, Sex and Gender 2014-06-09
Negin Farsad: Red States and Muslim Comedy 2014-06-03
Capital Punishment in Crisis with Dahlia Lithwick 2014-05-27
Farzana Hassan on Islamic Extremism and the Boko Haram 2014-05-20
Science Denialism with Donald Prothero 2014-05-12
Talking Nerdy (And Ethically) with Cara Santa Maria 2014-05-05
Coming Out Atheist - Greta Christina 2014-04-28
A Trek Through Skepticism with The Amazing Randi 2014-04-21
Living with a Wild God: Barbara Ehrenreich, Atheism, and Transcendence 2014-04-14
Ann Druyan: Telling the Story of the Cosmos 2014-04-07
Investigating the Oldest Profession: Prostitution and Science Meet, with Meredith Dank of the Urban Institute 2014-03-31
Frank Schaeffer on Escaping Fundamentalism, and the Death of Fred Phelps 2014-03-24

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