Point of Inquiry is the Center for Inquiry's flagship podcast, where the brightest minds of our time sound off on all the things you're not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: science, religion, and politics. Guests have included Brian Greene, Susan Jacoby, Richard Dawkins, Ann Druyan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugenie Scott, Adam Savage, Bill Nye, and Francis Collins. Point of Inquiry is produced at the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, N.Y.


Title Date published
Mark Lynas - Science and the Left 2013-03-05
Matthew Hutson - The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking 2013-02-28
Point of Inquiry Live | Steven Pinker - The Decline of Violence 2013-02-20
Susan Jacoby - Freethought’s Forgotten Hero 2013-02-12
Carl Zimmer - Viruses and Other Little Things 2013-02-05
Paul Krugman - Science and Pseudoscience in Economics 2013-01-28
Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe 2013-01-22
Maria Konnikova - How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes 2013-01-15
Phil Plait - #Notpocalypse! 2013-01-08
Scott Sigler - Encouraging Critical Thinking Through Science Fiction 2013-01-02
Ronald A. Lindsay and Michael De Dora - Mr. Science Goes to Washington 2012-12-27
David Brin - Uplifting Existence 2012-12-20
Bill McKibben - Do the Math 2012-12-13
Samuel Arbesman - The Half-Life of Facts 2012-12-04
Steven Novella - Exposing Medical Nonsense 2012-11-27
Michael Gordin - The Pseudoscience Wars 2012-11-20
Jacques Berlinerblau - How to Be Secular 2012-11-13
Oliver Sacks - Hallucinations 2012-11-06
Special Double Episode: Jon Ronson and Richard Wiseman, with Indre Viskontas and Chris Mooney 2012-10-31
Bruce Hood - Superstitions in Baseball 2012-10-23

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